Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence(AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and Machine Learning (ML)

EHR2PHR DCT provides access to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning analysis, creating Real World Evidence (RWE) from data collected, transforming Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) into Real-world trials.

Our platform leverages state-of-the-art, artificial intelligence (AI) by way of Natural Language processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to optimize clinical trial protocols for speed and efficiency

Why Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML)?

Predictive Care Analytics providers (AI and ML)
are connected with EHR2PHR DCT Platform,
using big data to spot warning signs and anomalies in patterns
so that preventive actions can be taken.

We de-identify clinical trial data.

We use Machine Learning algorithms to flag potential threats

We use automated algorithms and advanced predictive models to help identify potential molecular targets faster.

We can predict the potential impact of design decisions before making them.